Before entering our Rehearsal studios, make sure you have everything you need to get set up and running for your session. As always, please check for the full list of equipment available for your session in the studio you have booked - you will need to bring any extras outside of that list. We do not provide spare equipment, only replacements in case our own equipment breaks down.
What to bring:
- Your instruments! guitars, bass guitar and instrument cables
- Drumsticks - remember we can't provide sticks
- Your keyboard and keyboard stand - remember we don't provide these, except in the Deluxe Studio
- Your AUX cable and/or Apple Lightning adaptor to connect your device to the mixer. More info here
- Extra mics, mic stands other than what we specified in the studio already
- Anything else outside of the equipment list for that room, eg. guitar picks, straps etc.
If you've booked the Deluxe, Classic or Standard, you may also need:
- Cymbals - while we provide cymbals as standard in our rehearsal rooms, you may not like what we provide, in which case, plan to bring your own
- additional guitar amp(s) - we provide at least (1) guitar amp in the Classic and Standard, and (2) in the Deluxe. These amps are not what everyone likes, but they are great amps. Do your homework before you arrive on what we have. We cannot switch amps out for your session by request
I am a drummer looking to book a studio, what room should I book to have a full kit?
If you're a drummer and you are looking for a full kit, you can rent the Standard, Classic, or Deluxe Studios.