• When you make a booking you will receive an email confirmation right away (these can sometimes go to a filtered inbox or spam folder).
  • If you have not received the email for any reason just login to your account and go to 'my bookings' - any confirmed bookings will be listed here and you can select each one for more details.
  • Then, you are awaiting a second emial that contains your access code and general directions for accessing the studio. Please take the time to read the email as it contains important info about accessing the studio. The email is titled: "Grove Access Code, Policies & Important Stuff"
  • If you do not get a booking code email, prior to your session, please give us a call and we'll straighten things out for you!

Do you need more help with this?

  • You can contact us via our website chat icon, call us, or email info@grovestudios.space.

  • Our support team is available 24/7. If there is not an answer immediately, please leave a message describing your issue so the appropriate team member can call you back.